Established 2014 "All The News That's The Shit" Number 69

Public Service Announcement

In an effort to erase mounting tension and suspicion within the police and The African-Americans, police officers are giving FREE Heimlich maneuver demonstrations in the Black communities.

Apparently, choking related deaths have increased in African-American males in the past year-it is now third behind high blood pressure and hypertension. Happily, the 4th and 5th causes-the Ebola virus and getting a plunger shoved up your ass-have steadily decreased in the past 12 months!

Here Officer David Donato demonstrates the proper way to use the Heimlich on Rufus McKeaton of Staten Island.

In a related story, Mr. Mckeaton died choking to death. According to Officer Donato:
"The Poor guy must have had a large piece of watermelon or fried chicken lodged in his gullet. Even the Heimlich couldn't save him."

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